Relationship between ABO Blood Groups and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Cancer, Leukemia, blood group, Tripoli and Sabratha Cities.Abstract
Blood cancer is one of the types of cancer that affects the body through the blood. Consequently, it is necessary to address this disease from all angles and its causative factors, including blood, to reduce its incidence. The objective of the Study: is to determine the extent to which leukaemia is related to blood groups and the Rh factor, Determine the blood type most likely to develop leukaemia and determine the most cancer-resistant blood type. Results: The results of this current study showed that the highest incidence of cancer was with blood group A 64.7%, followed by blood group AB 40%, followed by blood group O 10%, and the lowest incidence rate was with blood group B. As a result, the highest category of patients falls in the age group 16-30 years and 31-50 years, with a rate of 33.3% compared to other age groups. 20.0% are over fifty years old, and the lowest percentage is between 8 and 15 years. The results of this current study show that the highest incidence of leukaemia is 60%. It was male and it was 40% lower for females. The result of this current study is the duration, the mean duration of patients with hematomas was 9.03 ± 3.92 years, with approximately 46.7% of patients suffering between 6-10 years, 33.3% suffering between more than 10 years, and 20.0% suffering between one and five years. As a result of this study, there was half of 50.0% of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia patients, 26.6% of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, 16.7% of acute myeloid leukaemia and 6.7% of chronic myeloid leukaemia. Conclusion: This study that there is a correlation between leukaemia rates, blood group A+, types of hematomas, duration of disease diagnosis, age, and incidence of chronic diseases.
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