Relation Between Serum Zinc Level, Prostatic Size and PSA Level in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia of Libyan Patients
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Prostatic Specific Antigen, Serum Zinc, Prostatic Size.Abstract
Background: Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the most common benign tumour of the prostate. BPH usually appears after the age of 40 and progresses slowly. The enlarged prostate may compress the urethra, which passes through the middle of the prostate, preventing urine from flowing from the bladder to the outside. Complete obstruction can develop if BPH is a huge enlargement. Aim of the Study: Study the relation between serum zinc and PSA in Derna City BPH patients. Materials and Methods: The case-control study lasts seven months, from April to the end of October, at Al-wahda Teaching Hospital in Derna City, Libya. It entailed gathering 60 blood samples, which were separated into two groups. The first group (A) consisted of 40 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia ranging in age from 45 to 75 years which were classified into three sub-groups (45-54), (55-64), (66-75); while the second group (B) consisted of 20 be healthy males aged 45 to 75 years as same classified of sub-groups of patients. All participants in this study provided diagnosis permission. the patient's prostate volumes (PV) were equal to or more than 58 millilitres. Radiologists with competence in the department used transabdominal ultrasound equipment manufactured in Germany by Siemens to figure out how big the prostate gland is. Both groups had their serum zinc and PSA levels measured by ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay). Results: The study showed that the mean prostate size was elevated significantly in the BPH group (64.36 ± 2.9 cc) as compared with the control group (22.44 ± 2.1 cc) (P=0.001). There is a significant increase in the PSA levels of benign prostatic hyperplasia patients, (3.57±0.57ng/ml), as compared with control subjects, (1.14±0.278 ng/ml) (P=0.001). There is a significant reduction in the serum zinc concentration of benign prostatic hyperplasia patients, (64.57±6.73ng/ml), as compared with control subjects, (110.6±12.37) (p=0.01). Conclusion: Benign prostatic hyperplasia patients of all ages had considerably higher serum PSA than age-matched healthy controls. Benign prostatic hyperplasia patients of all ages had markedly lower serum zinc than age-matched healthy controls. Prostate size is greater in benign prostatic hyperplasia patients than age-matched healthy controls.
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