Preoperative Anxiety and Fear Regarding Type of Anesthesia (General vs. Spinal) and its Associated Factors in Women Undergoing Elective Cesarean Section


  • Huda Emsaad Al-Harire 1 Derna University, Anesthesia Department, Faculty of Medicine, Derna, Libya Author
  • Ansam Hamdi Al-Zaidi Derna University, Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Derna, Libya Author
  • Sanaa Muftah Faleh Derna University, Internal ship, Faculty of Medicine, Derna, Libya Author


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Preoperative Anxiety, Elective Cesarean Section, Anesthesia Fears, State-Trait Anxiety,


Preoperative anxiety is a prevalent issue among women undergoing elective cesarean sections, particularly in developing countries. This anxiety is associated with unfavourable maternal and neonatal outcomes, including hemodynamic instability, increased analgesic needs, and lower APGAR scores. Anaesthesia, especially the choice between general and spinal, is a significant contributor to preoperative anxiety. Despite its high prevalence, preoperative anxiety is underrecognized and inadequately managed in many settings, including Libya. This study aims to assess preoperative anxiety levels and fears associated with general versus spinal anaesthesia in women undergoing elective cesarean sections. It also seeks to identify contributing factors, such as age, education, occupation, parity, and previous surgical experiences, to improve cesarean care quality.

Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study was conducted on 40 low-risk pregnant women scheduled for elective cesarean sections at Alwahda Hospital, Derna, from August to December 2024. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire comprising socio-demographic information, clinical factors, and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Scale (STAI). Results: Fear of not recovering from anaesthesia was the most common cause of anxiety (38.5%), followed by postoperative pain (23.1%). Bad obstetric history was associated with the highest mean anxiety score (9.92 ± 0.27). General anaesthesia was preferred by 62.5% of participants, while spinal anaesthesia was chosen by 37.5%. Multiparous women (85%) and those with previous obstetric surgeries (75%) exhibited higher anxiety levels. Participants with higher education (77.5%) and employment (57.5%) showed distinct anxiety patterns. Conclusion:

Preoperative anxiety in cesarean patients is significantly influenced by fears related to anaesthesia recovery, postoperative pain, and surgical complications. Tailored preoperative counselling and clear communication about anaesthesia options are essential for alleviating anxiety and improving maternal satisfaction. Future research should focus on intervention strategies to enhance perioperative care and patient outcomes


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Original Articles

كيفية الاقتباس

Preoperative Anxiety and Fear Regarding Type of Anesthesia (General vs. Spinal) and its Associated Factors in Women Undergoing Elective Cesarean Section. (2024). Derna Academy Journal for Applied Sciences, 2(2), 243-253.